
Professional painting systems from HSM

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Your painting accessories always at hand

Occupational safety that convinces - efficiency and security united

Ace Spe System - Never clean painting gun again.

A new low-pressure paint pistol makes color change by many times faster and easier. The joint development of Drought and HSM painting systems is characterized by a quick -change system for the color channel. In just a few seconds, the painting gun is ready for use after a color change without using solvents.

The outstanding ACE SPE system of the Ecogun ACE is the result of the fusion of specialist knowledge and high quality standards of both companies. This cooperation sets new standards in the painting industry by offering a product that enables the highest efficiency and extraordinary precision in paintwork.

The Ecogun ACE achieves a demonstrably excellent spray with a high order efficiency and simplifies the color change through quickly changeable nozzle inserts. The new development is complemented by a particularly stable and leak -proof cup system from HSM painting systems. This has both a safety closure and a protection against pollution, which ensures easy -to -read measurement scales at any time. Highlight of the community development is a new type of quick change system for the color channel that brings considerable time and cost savings. The new low-pressure paint pistol is used, for example, in the timber trade, in vehicle repair painting and in yacht and boat construction.

Previous flows cup paint pistols are equipped with a mug in which the paint is located. In the event of a color change, the cup must either be cleaned and re -filled or replaced by a correspondingly filled, new mug. In addition, all colored channels between the cup and nozzle must be rinsed so that there are no contaminants and lacquer mixtures. This cleaning goes hand in hand with a high amount of time and the use of solvents. The new painting gun scores with an innovative system that enables a much faster change. The entire color channel including nozzle is replaced quickly and easily. The painting gun is ready for use within a few seconds - a time saving of 90 % compared to conventional low -pressure pistols. The use of solvents can even be omitted completely.